Fit Families

I gave a presentation today called ‘Creating Fit Families’ to help inspire and support parents as they do the same for their own families.  Someone asked me what are some exercises/fitness activities you can do if you don’t have a lot of money or you can’t really leave your house. Well — many of the ideas below are great things you can do WITH your kids at home.

Jump rope (if the weather is bad, you can do this in your garage!)
Balance Disc

Some equipment to have on hand:
Jump rope (weighted or standard)
medium-sized rubber ball: four square, kickball, dodgeball
tennis ball: tennis, catch (people or with a dog), batting practice
softball: softball, catch
Frisbee™: various games including Ultimate Frisbee™; catch
football: various forms of football; catch
body ball: a wide variety of exercises
small trampoline: a wide variety of exercises
basketball hoop (outdoor or indoor)
Spree Disc for balance
Repurpose/recycle everyday household items to turn them into free kids’ fitness equipment


One response to “Fit Families”

  1. Hi! My name is Lauren from I’m putting together a meet & greet happy hour in mid October for DC health bloggers. Let me know if you’re interested in coming! You can follow me on Twitter for updates at LaurBiochemista or follow my blog and I’ll be posting more in the next few weeks. Hope you can make it!
