Handstand Fun at CrossFit

You know you are addicted to CrossFit when you are stuck in traffic on the way home from work in the evening and you get excited about heading to the following day’s WOD. I just really love the challenge it brings to me everyday. Most of us go through our lives doing the same routine. I can be sure that every morning when I show up to CrossFit, I am guaranteed to be challenged mentally and physically. Chances are the more I do it, I will see progress and have breakthroughs! How can anyone not want to have that experience regularly?

10 Cobras
10 Pass Thrus
10 OHS
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Ring Dips

Handstand Progressions

Have you ever tried to do 10 solid minutes of Handstand push ups? Yeah, me neither until today’s WOD. Wow that was tough!

10m Handstand Push Ups
5m Air Squats
2m Pull Ups
1m Push Ups
Total: 230
