Founding Fathers

Life is so short and kids grow up too fast, which is why we decided to take the kids on mini roadtrip around the state of Virginia. We live in such a historical place and rarely take the time to appreciate & enjoy it so that’s exactly what we are doing.

We woke up early, I skipped my workout –holy cow, I really did! — packed up the car and headed to Monticello. The beautiful home of our 3rd president Thomas Jefferson. I love the history of it all and sat on his lush lawn and thought about how he may have sat in that very spot and read or pondered life. Kinda cool.

We took the family tour, which if you have kids, I heartily recommend. The guide was funny & great with kids  — it was very interactive and the guide posed a lot of interesting questions to the group of kids.

Stop and think about it –what an amazing group of people gathered together to create the United States of America. How smart, inspiring and courageous they all were. I wonder, were they all really superheroes of their day or the common man of their day? And you know, no man does it alone. They must have had some equally amazing, courageous, smart women in their lives. All of the things they created, fought for, led, invented — from technology of their day, educational institutions, important laws, tools — the list goes on and on for days.  Very proud that we can claim those guys as Americans and our founding fathers. Rock on —
