CrossFit: Grace

Today, we met up with CrossFit girl Grace again. We have been doing cleans, power cleans, clean and jerks for some time now. Seems like every time I go to workout, we are doing some sort of oly lift with the word clean in it. I’m not complaining because strength work is key to getting stronger and fitter! But — they are darn hard!

Today- was Grace!

50 Double Unders
10 push ups
10 Squats
10 Pass Thrus
10 Good Mornings

Mobility work


Clean & Jerk



Clean and Jerk 135 lbs. 30 reps for time

I tried 95# which is standard for ladies, and could lift it but my form is just not good in the transition. Until I work on it, I have to lower my weight because it will be super next to impossible for me to sustain 95#s for 30 reps. I went down to 75# which was hard — still.

Time: 5:26

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