I don’t drink enough water! There I said it, came clean. I just don’t and there is no real good reason for it and I know I should but I don’t. When it gets super hot and I workout, it sometimes really knocks me out for a loop and the signs that I am not drinking enough water come knocking on my door. I usually wake up raring to go, ready to take on whatever workout comes my way. The days when I just don’t feel like I have it in me, I am now realizing, is usually because I didn’t drink enough the day before or my dinner was salty and really dehydrated me.
According to this About.com entry about Headaches and Dehydration – thirst is not usually the first sign of dehydration.
Thirst is not usually the first symptom or the only symptom of dehydration; other symptoms include:
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Dry mouth
- Dizziness
- Weakness
- Rapid heartbeat
- Dry, flushed skin
- Muscle cramps, and myofascial pain.
A common sign of dehydration observed in my clinic is extreme muscle pain upon palpation of the muscle tissues. This muscle pain is exhibited upon examination with a positive jump sign. A positive jump sign occurs when a patient reacts strongly to gentle touching of the involved muscles and quickly moves away from the palpating fingers. One of the most common signs of dehydration involves a loss of skin tone or loose, wrinkled skin.
I find that my lips develop a bluish tint, my muscles hurt, I feel fatigued and I get splotchy vision which turns into a headache. It has happened more than a few times now that I can recognize it and make sure I up my intake of the good ole H20 but inevitably, I go back to my habit of not drinking enough the next day or so. I have tried all the tricks — but for some unknown reason, I can’t get it together and drink more! But things will be changing people! I am going to commit to drinking more water- it’s good for the internal and it’s good for the skin.
This morning I was definitely dehydrated. I even hit the snooze this morning but managed to get up after it went off. I should have listened to that internal voice after realizing what the workout of the day was and how thirsty I was. The splotchy vision set in pretty early on into the workout and I was slow!
600m jog
Toes to Bar
For time:
- 50 Wall ball
- 25 Toes-to-bar
- 40 Wall ball
- 20 Toes-to-bar
- 30 Wall ball
- 15 Toes-to-bar
- 20 Wall ball
- 10 Toes-to-bar
- 10 Wall ball
- 5 Toes-to-bar
time: 18:50 14# – it sucked the entire time!
2 responses to “The Connection Between Dehydration and Headaches”
Hydrate People! Dehydration and Headaches http://t.co/stWHsnY3 #crossfit
The Connection Between Dehydration and Headaches http://t.co/H36el40u via @livestrongnsore