Month: October 2012

  • Bodyweight Exercises on the Go

    Since I am not in town for the next few days, I wanted to post some info that can help you out when you are away from home and you still need to stick to your fitness and health goals: 50 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere Body weight can be the best equipment and…

  • Sunday

    I have had a busy day — Krav Maga class, errands and gearing up for my business trip. I will be gone for a few days and you know what’s funny (sad) – I don’t want to go because I will miss my early AM workouts with my pals. That is called training! This is…

  • CrossFit Capital Affiliate League

    I went to see my fellow CFI athletes compete in the final championship tournament for the Capital Affiliate League today.  It’s quite a display of fitness, teamwork, and mutual respect all around.

  • Renew, Reflect and Refresh!

    I almost took the morning off but I realized that I may not get to workout tomorrow and will be heading off on a biz trip on Monday so I wanted to make sure to get one in.  I hit the snooze but got up before it went off again. And to ever prove my…

  • Thriving Under Pressure

    I have been doing a lot of looking into ideas and strategies about thriving under pressure. Being able to jump into action, make decisions, act upon happenings under stress. The type of stressors depends on the situation –but the overall idea that you can process that stress and not let it stop you in your…

  • Athletes Who Give Back Warm My Heart

    DC United Athletes Give Back You know what I love? Athletes who don’t let fame and their title change them so much that they forget how important it is to stay connected to the community. Yesterday, I met a pretty famous soccer player named Dwayne De Rosario. I am not a follower of soccer, so…

  • Love What You Do – You Won’t Work

    My life is so busy but mostly in great ways that it’s hard for me to slow down. I never thought I would be ok with not having a lot of down time but it’s true what they say –if you love what you do, you don’t really feel like you are working. Today I…

  • Fall Means Time for Reflection

    Reflection in the Fall It’s fall like out there –crisp and colder and that makes for a tougher wake up! I always find this time of year is really good for reflection. It’s the last part of the year and you have lots of data to look at from the months past to see how…

  • Back Up and Running!

    I had a little problem the last few days with my blog. Seems some pesky hackers inserted some code into some of my pages without my knowledge. Thank the heavens for a web programming husband who can figure it out and scrub the site so that Google could love me once again. This past weekend…

  • Oktoberfest at CrossFit Impavidus

    Filthy Fifty I went out with some of my friends last night and had a blast. They were full of energy, positivity and fun. We did a lot of laughing, a lot of dancing and for some –drinking.  I knew that today would be a tough day physically for me, so I didn’t drink but to…