It’s All About Perspective

Let’s talk about perspective today. I had to stop myself this morning from some negative thoughts that were seeping into my head during my lifting and remind myself that I need to give myself a break and credit instead of giving myself a hard time. If you change the way you look at something, it can allow you to see it in a whole new positive light. Seems like common sense right?

Deadlifts were on the agenda this AM and I love them as most of you know. I love the feeling of picking up heavy shit and when you are done, you are out of breath. I just feel bad ass and strong. So I was doing 235# and struggling at the 4th series of 5 rep rounds.  I was getting upset at myself and thinking WTF — come on, lift this shit.  Frustrated that I was having a hard time. I stopped myself mid thought give me a break. Most people out there can’t lift 235# and that’s not even my PR.  How about giving a pat on the back and acknowledging the fact that I am strong and can lift a ton of weight.

That doesn’t mean I don’t want to get better, strive to get stronger but it;s important to at least acknowledge the achievements for what they are as well. It’s a personality trait – I want to do better, do the best I can do at anything.

I love that I have something like CrossFit in my life that allows me to challenge myself each and every time I walk into the door. Many of us lack that in our lives and it is really what ingnites and inspires us to be better than the day before.

CrossFit Workout Of the Day


400m run




  • 3-3-3 warmup reps
  • 5-5-5-5-5

