Back to School 2013

First Day of School 2013Today is the big day — Back to School 2013. Hard to believe it’s September and that my kids are growing up this fast. Hannah is heading to middle school and Nate is a proud fourth grader this year! I am so proud of both of them and hope this year strengthens their love of learning.

Yesterday, I came across this status post from Just Eat Real Food and I had to share it:

“Go outside. Hug your family. Laugh with your friends. Work hard and play hard. Get enough sleep. Read. Experience. Keep life in perspective. Avoid negativity and unnecessary stress. Eat yummy food. Don’t define your self-worth by the number on the scale or the supposed “purity” of your diet. Keep your health in mind, but don’t let it become an obsession that rules you. At the end of your life, you won’t look back and dwell on the foods you did or didn’t eat, so don’t dwell on it now. Stop worrying about other people and what they do or say or think or feel or eat. Don’t be afraid to learn, change, grow, evolve. Find your joy, and live it.” — Chef Amber Shea

I think we all can do better in all of the areas mentioned above and my favorite part that resonated:

Don’t be afraid to learn, change, grow, evolve. Find your joy, and live it. 

So many of us are stuck in a rut, or a fear circle and are not enjoying the lives we are living. It’s not easy to change and many times, it’s a painful process but nine out of ten times, it is so worth it. Fear holds us back –

On that note, read this post: Successful People Start Before They Feel Ready – and think about how fear can control you and hold you back from success. Many of us are scared to start before we are ready and that is what differentiates being successful from just getting by.

I don’t want to be one of those people that just gets by – i am always striving to learn, grow, progress. Be better than I was yesterday. I don’t quite understand how some people aren’t wired that way and are ok being average. I was at a party this weekend and someone I have recently met at the gym said to me — “I think of you like a mentor . You are so willing to help others learn and want to make things better.” I don’t think she realized how much her words meant to me –those words capture the person I am focused on being. Do I mess up from time to time? Absolutely, but that’s all part of the learning process – no one is perfect and to expect it from anyone is crazy.  My intentions are good and usually my heart is in the right place and I am learning to quiet my mind, in hopes that it helps me learn to quiet my mouth when necessary. We all have to have goals, right?

Today’s workout was BRUTAL. The air was thick and it was all about conditioning.

strength: Front Squat 5×3 140#

-800m run
-3 Rounds
10 Burpee Box Jumps
15 Wall Balls
-200m run with 15# plate
time cap of 15m
time: 15:20

For all of you out there with kiddos heading back to school — enjoy the quiet and the routine. As much as I love this time of year, it also is bittersweet. Our kids grow up so fast. I wish we could bottle them up and hold them tight a bit longer.

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