Be Kind: It Can Make All the Difference

AmazingIt’s Friday and it’s going to be an amazing day. The weather is perfect, my workout is done and I have a busy weekend planned with the family. All good things which makes me really happy.

I was listening to the radio this morning on the way to workout and they were talking about the normal bar — what do most people feel and think about things based on a study that was recently done. I don’t put much stock into stuff like that but I did find one point interesting –that most people who took this survey are generally happy with their lives. Life is not all excitement and thrills — there are ups and downs — and based on Happy, that documentary I mentioned the other day, I think it has nothing to do with money, status or location.

I heard some sad news yesterday that goes to show you — that someone can look amazing to everyone but underneath the looks, they can be a troubled, fragile person. Someone at a different local CrossFit gym committed suicide this week. My husband asked me if I knew the person and at first, I said No. He sent me her picture and it dawned on me –I did meet her. She was in the Oly Trainer’s course I attend last spring –and the reason I remember her so well was because I remember thinking about how amazing she looked — strong, tall, blonde, had a toned CrossFit shape and was pretty. I said to myself, I wish I looked like that. I distinctly remember saying that stuff about her. And then I hear that news – it’s so very sad to know that someone was hurting that much that they felt dying was the only way out of their pain.

I have had very low points in my own life and know the pain I was in, so I can only imagine the magnitude of pain she was in. It really reminds you how fragile we all are. The quote “Be Kind for Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Hard Battle” is so true. The outward appearance can’t be trusted. No one is perfect and we all have crap going on in our lives that will challenge us to our core, so keep that in mind, the next time you see someone that seems rattled.

Technology is becoming as normal to us all as brushing our teeth and it’s causing some of us to become de-sensitized to people’s feelings. I am finding people are just being meaner online – it’s like an open invitation to disregard common respect. It’s not a good thing, keeping your humanity and sense of compassion for other’s plights is what keeps us all functioning and progressing. We lose that – we lose everything.

My thoughts are with her family and friends as they make sense of it all. Very very sad.

5×5 Shoulder Press 68#

400m run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
Time: 5:51

Not my greatest performance this morning. I couldn’t catch my breath, started wheezing and took a few too many breaks. It’s frustrating to me — because the last few weeks, I am finishing last! I know it’s not a competition, but I don’t like to finish last. I ordered a Breathing Exerciser. I have read about it and it is supposed to help boost my respiratory performance if I use it regularly. I had one a while back but lost it and found it did work — so time to tackle this obstacle.

Here’s a few things I read last night:

Some good simple tips about eating Paleo. It’s really not that complicated!

CrossFit incorporates a lot of Plyometric work — jumping on boxes, quick drills.. all of it goes into the making of a fit, strong person.

be kind

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