Category: boxing

  • Bad Posture is More Than Just An Eyesore

    It’s always peaceful and calm when the kids don’t have to rush and head off to school. Unfortunately, I have to head into work today which is a bummer because I could use at least one more day to my weekend. As expected, now that I am working full time, my house is starting to…

  • Finding Your Passion & Making A Difference

    “We’re successful if person by person we help make a difference in their lives.”   Read this article about Elizabeth Holmes, who has made medical history and is now one of the youngest billionaires based on her invention.  What’s amazing about her story is she took a risk, a leap of faith supported by a passion and a…

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2014

    A former co-worker at AOL of mine recently shared that she has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She moved away quite a few years ago but with the help of social media, we have kept in touch. We weren’t super close, but I had many conversations with her while we worked and have always liked her.…

  • Creative Outlets Can Help Combat Unhappiness

    When was the last time you actually spent time creating something? For me, it had been a very long while. This weekend I met up with a few of my girlfriends and we attended a painting class at Painting with a Twist.  The idea is you get a group of friends together and get a step-by-step instruction…

  • Fitness And the Over Forty Crowd

    I’ve been so tired getting used to my new routine with full time work so I decided to try going to some evening workout classes instead of getting up super early in the AM. I’m not sure if I like working out so late in the day – I prefer to get it over with…

  • Keep Learning Online For Free

    Since I switched things up last night and went in for a boxing class, I took today as a rest day. A huge part of staying fit is exercising your mind by constantly learning new things and challenging yourself. That can mean trying to master a new skill, learn a new subject or adopt a…

  • Why Do You Workout?

    I’m not going to lie and say I was raring to go this morning. Getting up at 515A regularly is hard – I desperately wanted to hit snooze, roll over and get some more Zzz’s.  But I can’t do that. I like the benefits of exercise too much to compromise and one hour of sleep isn’t going…

  • Developing a Positive Body Image

    Four straight days of exercise has left me sore — My quads are so sore it hurts to walk down stairs — so today is a rest day. Rest and recovery is just as important as exercise in your overall health and wellness plan. It’s the times you haven’t taken enough rest time and aren’t on top…

  • Weekend Workout

    Workout Saturday CrossFit 20mins AMRAP 60 Slam Ball 20# 30 KB Goblet Squats 1 Pood 20 KB Power Cleans (partner workout – each doing equal amount of work) Sunday Boxing with Connor

  • Maybe It’s Just Not Working

    A friend of mine sent me an article about Feeling Burnt out about CrossFit and how to find the joy again. What I found interesting was that it didn’t mention actually taking a step away from CrossFit for an extended amount of time, which is what I am doing. I’ve also been doing some reading about…