Category: Cancer Related Information

  • Notable News

    Coffee As An Antioxidant Source – How Good Is It? The results of a long-term study on the impact of coffee consumption on aggressive prostate cancer indicate there may be tangible health benefits.  A study that lasted 20-years and included nearly 50,000 men showed that regular coffee consumption reduced the risk of developing aggressive prostate…

  • Happy Pap Day?!!

    What an awesome and funny video reminding women to have their annual Pap test. I love campaigns that use humor and a light touch when bringing awareness of cancer related medical reminders! Cervical Cancer is treatable if detected early…

  • Savin a Life or Two

    Today is the last day of March and with it,  the end to Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. I thought it was fitting to bring back one of my recent posts about it to cap off the month. And don’t worry,  just because March is ending, it does not mean that I am going to abandon…

  • Chinese Scientists Find First-Ever Colon Cancer Biomarkers

    (March 22) — A blood test could soon offer an accurate diagnosis of colon cancer’s progression, according to Chinese researchers who say they’ve found two biomarkers that indicate the spread of the disease. via Chinese Scientists Find First-Ever Colon Cancer Biomarkers – AOL News. Know the risks and symptoms! Colorectal cancer screening saves lives. However,…

  • Dealing with Cancer – Spouse Has Cancer

    For Better, For Worse What would you do if your new husband was struck with a deadly, disfiguring disease? For Diane Reiners, the diagnosis was a test of love, strength, and the power of wedding vows. Cancer doesn’t make it easier to love someone. I change his bandages and remind him to take his medication.…

  • Guest Post: We might just save a life or two…

    Special guest post from Scotty: March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month! As many of you know, I was diagnosed at age 37 with colon cancer. After almost 2 years I am feeling and doing great plus my long term prognosis is favorable. It has been a long hard journey and many thanks go out to…

  • Notable News

    Get Physical: Effective Weight Management Methods. Good weight loss programs are usually uncomplicated, but you need to balance an everyday workout routine with a properly crafted, nutritious diet. Listing foods to stay away from, foods to be eaten mostly, and foods to be consumed moderately can be a very good way to properly begin a…

  • Don’t put off colon cancer screening

    “The sad part is it is one of the most treatable and curable of cancers,” she said. “There are a lot of reasons why people are not screened, aside from being outside of access to care. People just put it off, they think they're invincible.” via Don’t put off colon cancer screening | |…

  • It’s still March and it’s still Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

    It’ still March and that means it’ still Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Here is a first person account of dealing with colon cancer and the importance of early detection. Elementary school principal shares first-person story of colorectal cancer Estimated new cases and deaths from colon and rectal cancer in the United States in 2009: New…

  • Take the Pledge to spread awareness about Colorectal Cancers and maybe win a TV!

    Stop Colon Cancer Now is a site that is designed to not only create awareness, but to spur people into action and actually get screened.  There is a ton of info on this site and also a very handy zip code look up option to find local centers where you can get screenings done. You…