The Triple Dub: WWW
I am posting this video because It reminded a few of us boot camp ladies of some moves we do at our workout — and we thought it was hilarious! It definitely has some cursing in it — and may not be appropriate for everyone. You are warned: White Women’s Workout from Adam Margolis on…
Crossfit Northwest Tucson – Writes about the Tragedy in Tucson
There are few words to describe how we feel today. CrossFit Northwest Tucson is saddened and wants to put out there that everyone involved today is in our thoughts and prayers. This tragedy hit close to home. I mean close, Ina and Oracle is a stones throw from our house and the school our children…
Tucson Shooting Victims Tragedy
I Feel very sad for those in Tucson, AZ – I spent many years there, Graduated from The Univ of ARIZONA and it’s a place I consider home. I know that this horrific tragedy was felt deep by those that live there and those that still consider it home. My heart goes out to those…
A Twilight Obsession is bad for Friendships
Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy
Happy Holidays! Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy with Will Ferrell & John C. Reilly from Will Ferrell
King James – Hot Mess Fitness
How would you like a trainer like this???? (This has some profanity, so please use caution when viewing)