Category: Media/Internet

  • Local boy with cancer turns into a superhero for a day

    A very sweet story to share… Living | Local boy with cancer turns into a superhero for a day | Seattle Times Newspaper. Erik, who is living with liver cancer, has always wanted to be a superhero. On Thursday, the regional chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation granted him that wish with an elaborate event that…

  • Notable News

    Boston Marathon Great for Winners; What About the Rest of Us? – Health Blog – WSJ. The debate over whether running marathons is a fine form of exercise or dangerous to your health, however, isn’t likely to stop any time soon; arguing the pros and cons of long-distance running is practically a sport in itself.…

  • Notable News

    Burger King reeling under Mimosa hangover. Child advocacy and alcohol groups are crying foul over the company's introduction of a pretend alcohol beverage. Fast food stores, such as Burger King, are favorite destinations for children and teenagers, they say. And for the restaurant chain to serve something even remotely connected with alcohol is “disastrous,” says…

  • Notable News

    FDA plans to limit amount of salt allowed in processed foods for health reasons. I have never been one to pay attention to the salt content in things. My blood pressure isn’t high, my heart is healthy. I am not known to add salt to my food on a regular basis.  But if you stop…

  • Gang Starr’s Guru Dead At 43 from a cancer related cause

    One of the things I try to never lose sight of is that every day, every where people are battling cancer.  I never gave it much thought day to day until of course it happened to my family.  When we found out about Scotty, Hannah asked me if he was going to die.  I told…

  • Sesame Street and Katie Couric Help Grieving Families

    A friend of mine has volunteered in the past at the Comfort Zone Camp . This camp is the nation’s largest bereavement camp and it is offered free of charge to children ages 7-17 who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling or primary caregiver.  What a wonderful way to give back… There is…

  • Happy Pap Day?!!

    What an awesome and funny video reminding women to have their annual Pap test. I love campaigns that use humor and a light touch when bringing awareness of cancer related medical reminders! Cervical Cancer is treatable if detected early…

  • Early Adopters

    Ipad was the big star of last night’s Modern Family.  The dad, Phil, totally reminds me of my husband Scotty.  And 2 quotes really solidified that to me again last nite — Image Credit: Eric McCandless/ABC “Not just that, the iPad comes out on my actual birthday. It’s like Steve Jobs and God got together…

  • Adidas: Sleek, Stylish and Super Sporty

    This spring, fitness based fashion is all about color and function with vibrant hues, moisture-wicking technology, slimming silhouettes and comfortable fabrics you’ll want to wear all over – not just to work on your fitness! Did you know that one of the newest trends is to have the hottest designers team up with sports apparel…

  • Twilight: New Moon

    Yes, I am one of those people who fell for the story of Twilight and read through all the books within days. I am not sure what it is about the story that captured me so deeply, but it did – I am not embarrassed.  my family just deals with it by humoring my crush…