Category: Media/Internet

  • Tell Your Story and Let It Go

    I regularly read the musings of an entrepreneur, writer James Altucher. He seems to have a really good perspective and gives good advice.  Here’s a short excerpt from the Post by James Altucher. How do you prepare for a good death? I think we live in four dimensions at the same time. The physical world, where we…

  • RIP To A True Artist: Oscar De La Renta

    One of the things I loved to do when I was growing up was to watch fashion shows on TV during my weekends. I can’t remember the name of the show, but it was essentially a show of the latest runway fashions and a look at the designers. One of my all time favorite designers…

  • Fitness And the Over Forty Crowd

    I’ve been so tired getting used to my new routine with full time work so I decided to try going to some evening workout classes instead of getting up super early in the AM. I’m not sure if I like working out so late in the day – I prefer to get it over with…

  • Ray Rice, The NFL and Misogyny

    I will admit fully that I am not a football fan. I’m not really into spending Sundays or Mondays watching the big game or going to any Super Bowl party for any reason related to actually watching the game. I had no idea who Ray Rice was up until recently. My husband told me he is…

  • Find Your Fall Motivation

    Some mornings are tougher than others and today was one of them! It’s Monday and I am tired. I keep forgetting to drink Natural Calm Magnesium and I can really tell the difference in my overall energy level.  I also think that the season change isn’t helping. Fall is coming and it’s that much harder to…

  • Joan Rivers: A True Pioneer

    Joan Rivers was a true pioneer and a very savvy business woman. Remember her hugely successful Jewelry Line before anyone else was doing that? RIP Joan.    Variety: Joan Rivers, Comedian and TV Host, Dies at 81

  • Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day Anyway?

    My friend Liz invited me to try a new CrossFit that opened nearby for a Saturday WOD this weekend. It was a partner workout with 3 rounds of 30 OHS, 40 Pull Ups and 50 V-Ups. I have not really done any lifting for months, so the gift of OHS was felt all day Sunday…

  • Sleeping Is Essential For Restoration and Recovery

    Have you had a chance to watch Jon Stewart’s brilliant response to Fox’s news coverage of Ferguson? I rarely post stuff about this sort of situation on my blog, but I really saw a different side of things after watching Jon Stewart and the Daily Show’s take on what is going on. I never really…

  • Kindness never goes out of style

    Kindness never goes out of style I came across another wonderful story about the kindness displayed by Robin Williams. You won’t regret reading it: A LITTLE KNOWN ROBIN WILLIAMS STORY I’m on Day 4 of 5, sharing what I am thankful for: 1. I’m thankful for my large network of good people. I’ve learned so much from…

  • Being Less Judgmental Day to Day

    I came across a blog post by one of my CrossFit friends who runs Craic in MA – and it enhanced a previous blog post I wrote last week – how not judging others is one of the hardest behaviors for so many of us to do. Think about all the ways you judge things in the course of a…