Category: Media/Internet

  • Depression: Who Are You To Judge?

    As I spent time yesterday reading about Robin Williams, it became clear how judgmental some people insist on being.  Who are we to judge someone else’s actions? We were not in his shoes at that moment or the ones that led up to it. All I can imagine is the immense pain he must have…

  • Robin Williams: Battling Depression

    Robin Williams was a big part of all of our lives — his movies are classics that we all relate to and remember which is why many of us are feeling this loss deeply. What I have learned over the years is depression threads its way into every atom of your being and can lay dormant…

  • Aparigraha: What Are You Holding On To Today?

    My yoga instructor Tori continued the theme of Aparigraha (Non-Possessiveness) in yesterday’s class. According to wiki, Aparigraha “is the concept of non-possessiveness or non-greediness. The term usually means to limit possessions to what is necessary or important, which changes with the time period.” I am getting a lot out of this theme personally. I have needed to de-clutter my house…

  • Unadulterated Hypocrisy: Hobby Lobby

    I don’t want to post anything today other than information about the Hobby Lobby decision by the Supreme Court. A facebook friend shared:   Hobby Lobby wins in a NARROW RULING….but here’s a thought… Here is the slightly glossed-over rank hypocrisy of Hobby Lobby, in one sentence: “They will cover male contraception, in the form…

  • Leaving a Legacy: Maya Angelou

    A few things and thoughts to share today — My thoughts and respect are given to Maya Angelou who passed away yesterday.  What a wonderful, inspiring, strong, spirited leader who left this world a better place. She defines what it means to leave a lasting legacy… And there has been a lot of talk in the CrossFit…

  • Lifting Your Spirits

    It was a good weekend — the weather was awesome, my family was home, my good friend, LIz, had her baby and I spent time with one of my dearest friends – Lani. I’ve been feeling unsettled with all the changes going on and needed to be around someone who really understands me outside of my…

  • Look your Best, Embrace the Experiences

    I was thinking about the Oscars and the mundane questions that celebs get asked at events like that.  I read that there was a push to ask more insightful, less looks focused questions called Ask Her More.  It was funny to hear Kevin Spacey get asked questions usually reserved for the lady celebs. He was…

  • Rest in Peace Ms. Shirley Temple

    If the predictions are right, the DC area is due for some big snow starting tomorrow night. Personally, I like having some snow on the ground. I find it forces people to slow down life a bit. However, the extra work attached to getting a big dump of snow is not welcome. My kids get…

  • Super Bowl Hangover

    I went a bit overboard yesterday during the big game – -ate some wings, had more chips and guacamole than I care to remember. I slept horribly and woke up feeling swollen from all the salt and groggy. It’s not a great feeling… Super Bowl Commercials My two favorite commercials from the Super Bowl were…

  • Clearing the Clutter

    The kids are finally in school and the house is quiet. I just want to sit here and enjoy the silence. As much as I love my kids and being able to spend extra time with them, there is definitely a need for space. For their benefit and mine. Enough was enough. I was able…