Jack LaLanne – Amazing and Relevant
LaLanne story was remarkable and unique I just heard about Jack Lalanne dying at age 96. What an amazing man and role model for us all and what he taught are lessons that are still applicable in today’s world — It is often said that if you eat well and get lots of exercise then…
6 exercises you should always do…
Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger. Make sure you click on the link above to read about exercises you shouldn’t do as well. These suggestions also involve using your own body weight for the most part. Look thru this list, and before you hit the gym again, come up with a plan where you incorporate these in…
Paleo Chicken Chili
I made this ‘chili’ last week for the family with some modifications. I used Ground Chicken and Spicy Turkey Sausage. I also used Zucchini, Green peppers and Onions. It came out more Stew/Soup like than a thick chili but regardless it was delicious! I heartily recommend it! Crystal’s Paleo Chili The cold weather out makes…
Top 10 workout songs for 2010
Top 10 workout songs for 2010 | SummitDaily.com. I’m always looking for some good tunes to workout too. During boot camp, we listen to whatever Mikey has on but when I head to Gold’s or in my car – I have my Ipod hooked up. I like songs with a good beat – it motivates…
Don’t Mind If I’m “PUDGY”
Stephy, Full of Grace, Full of Beast. (Sunday Inspiration: Don’t Mind If I’m “PUDGY”). I loved this post. Ideals of what is considered beauty and healthy change all the time. I look at these pics of ‘pudgy stockton’ and think — no way would that be pudgy. That’s a strong, lean person. So — although…
Schools implement fitness boot camp for kids
Schools implement fitness boot camp for kids. Canadians are on the right track here! Fitness should be fun for kids and a lifelong endeavor! Many students in Edmonton are now taking part in a new fitness boot camp program designed specifically for kids.It’s called No More Excuses Boot Camp for Kids and it’s a circuit-training…
Pump It Up: Eleven Tips for Exercising Regularly
Pump It Up: Eleven Tips for Exercising Regularly I liked the tips this post gave about exercising. Some of the tips were a bit different than the normal common sense type ones. This time in January, there are some of you that are still going strong with the commitment to make this year the year…
Heart Health: Fruits and Veggies Are Life-Saving – ABC News
Duh — did we need a study for us to know? While “5 a day” has traditionally been the mantra for fruit and veggie consumption, researchers found that those who consumed eight or more servings were 22 percent less likely to die from heart disease than those who consumed three or fewer servings a day.…
Getting the Shut Eye
Today is my rest day and as much as I love my workouts — there are times when a rest day can’t come soon enough. I have been fighting off a sore throat for a few days but starting last night, it started to win. I was thinking about going to group training this morning…