Be Thankful for The Difficult People
Earlier this week I found out that someone that I am not fond of has been hired to do some work at one of the company’s that I am doing consulting work for. When I said I am “not fond of”, It’s really not even close to covering how much I would prefer never seeing…
Inspiration to Start Your Weekend
I’m not sure if I have mentioned but I am leading a wellness challenge at Highbar CrossFit. I am far from perfect when it comes to complete and utter wellness, but I sure as heck have enough experience and knowledge to help others navigate as they learn what works for their body. It’s been a…
Are You Drinking Enough Water?
Kids are home and I found out they will be home for the rest of the week thanks to Mother Nature. I am all for being around my kids, but there comes a time when we all need some distance from one another –like this week! One of the nutrition challenge extra asks last week…