Notable News

EAT: DIY Greek Style Yogurt

So many of us eat Greek Yogurt. It can be really expensive and I have found the newer ‘cheaper’ versions – like from Yoplait – are actually a small bit higher in calories and a small bit lower in protein. I have never tried to make my own but it seems pretty straight forward. Let me know if you have tried to do it before.

Bend and stretch those hamstrings

I seriously have the tightest hamstrings and we think it may have contributed to my back issues last week. Here is a good exercise to do to help loosen those hamstrings – you need a chair – that’s it! No excuses.

Report On The State of U.S. Health

Life life expectancy in the United States is now 77.9 years —

Mortality from heart disease, stroke and cancer continue to decline but the leading cause of death for people age 65 and older is still heart disease. The leading cause of death for people age 1-44 is unintentional injuries.

If you think about it, lifestyle changes can really impact our lives and our health. Eating healthy, exercising, relaxing, meditating, doing yoga or other fun activities have been proven over and over to be the antidote to modern illness. Stop the wars and put that money into education, school lunches and fun physical education. I know it is utopia but I’d like to see this report in the future if we could accomplish that.