Not Even Kids on Sports Teams Get Enough Exercise
Not Even Kids on Sports Teams Get Enough Exercise So relying on your child’s sports team to ensure they get enough exercise may guarantee that they are getting in their 60 mins of activity because of instruction time! We parents just can’t win! What are we to do — think about encouraging or finding additional…
SweetGreen Hosts Free Yoga Sessions FTW!
I love companies that really give back what they are ‘selling’ — SweetGreen in Reston Town Center is hosting free yoga weekend for their neighborhood at Down Dog Yoga — which happens to be super close to where I work. What a great idea – host a free yoga session to promote healthy and fit…
Cold Blast of Air Workout
There is something down right mean about making a group of women run outside when its below 30′ at 545A. Sometimes I think our trainer gets some joy out of making us suffer thru the workouts– but probably not – he has to get up at that time too. warmup checkpoints lunge jumps frankensteins corex2…
Wakeup Workout
This Monday is a cold chilly one! I was happy there was no outside component to the workout. I am back down the 2lbs I gained from Thanksgiving feasting – so that was welcome news this morning, knowing that I lost control with those Almond shortbread cookies that I devoured! I made sure yesterday that…
Paleo diet is more satiating per calorie than a Mediterranean-like diet in individuals with ischemic heart disease.
A Paleolithic diet is more satiating per calorie than a Mediterranean-like diet in individuals with ischemic heart disease.. More good news and science behind eating ‘paleo’. BACKGROUND: We found marked improvement of glucose tolerance and lower dietary energy intake in ischemic heart disease (IHD) patients after advice to follow a Paleolithic diet, as compared to…
Power Snatch Practice Session
One of my friends made one of my favorite cookies on Friday night and sent me home with some — big mistake! One bite and it’s like a drug — it turned into probably 6 and maybe even more cookies in the span of 5 minutes. I couldn’t help myself. That was basically my lunch…
Ancient vs. Modern Fruits and Vegetables
Good morning! I’m heading to an essentials workout class tomorrow on Snatches so today is my rest day from working out. I spent a lovely evening over my friend Melissa’s house last night – connecting with friends, eating some delicious treats, and looking/browsing through some great Jewelry from my friend Lisa’s Stella & Dot jewelry…