Run Amuck Race Recap Part Deux
So my post recapping Run Amuck garnered a few comments by some annoyed readers so I thought I would clarify what I was trying to say about etiquette rules of a Race: I am a huge proponent of fitness activities for any level so I loved the fact that the race had serious and casual…
Workout in the Heat and Humidity
Hot, humid = Sweaty! It looked like we all just took a shower to give you an idea of how sweaty we were at the end of the workout. For me, it felt like I was getting back to my old self — I found the heavier weight challenging but not too hard — and…
Run Amuck – Quantico Race Day Recap
Yesterday I finished the Run Amuck Race at Quanitco Military Base — With 3000 other people. The race as well done — scheduled in waves depending on your roster number so it wasn’t all crowded at once. Lots of nutritious food at the end — grapes, bananas — water and powerade! I did the race…
Too Fat For 15 Documentary
Too Fat For 15? – iVillage. Have you seen this documentary Too Fat for 15? Some friends at lunch today were telling me they watched the first episode and how disturbing it was to see these kids struggle. It follows kids at a weight loss boarding school — so they get educated in proper health…
Workout in the heat and humidity
Yes this is from this morning’s workout and no it is not from the rain. That is hard earned sweat! It was a hot and humid morning for a boot camp workout! When it was over – driving home – the rain started pouring down. I thought how lucky we were that we got through…
Obesity may be linked to lower sperm count
Obesity is the latest health woe being blamed for low sperm counts among men of child-rearing age, Body Fat: A Threat To Future Babies? Maybe, at least according to a study on 2,157 young men published in this month’s Fertility and Sterility. Men with higher body mass indexes also had lower sperm counts, although still…
Aug 14 – Run Amuck 2010 – Are you Ready?
These are the icons from all the obstacles I am going to come across this Saturday during Run Amuck – Run Amuck engages runners in a three and a half mile challenge filled with obstacles, mud pits, water blast and more! The race, which begins at 7 a.m. in Historic Butler Stadium, follows McCard Road for…