Weight Loss Finding: Cash Incentives Fail to Help Some Lose Pounds
(Aug. 6) — Americans have never been fatter. Here’s one reason it will be hard to turn that around: You can’t even pay people to shed weight. Out this month in the journal Applied Economics Letters is new research by Nicholas Burger and John Lynham. The study’s conclusion is that even when people bet they’ll…
Rest and Recovery
Another rest day in motion. I can totally see how someone can get used to NOT getting up at the crack of dawn — I think this forced rest has done me good though. I am going to run tomorrow morning and have a running appointment with my pal – Kimmy – Saturday morning —…
Having A Sister Makes You a Kinder Person
Having A Sister Makes You a Kinder Person – ABC News. This was sent to me by my brother – Jon. It put a smile on my face today! New research shows that having a sister – even one who pinches and tattles but also shares her ice cream cone – makes you a…
The Best and Worst Restaurant Salads
The Best and Worst Restaurant Salads I love my salad. Every lunch it is Salad Time for me. Here is a good recap of some salads you can find at your local eatery. I make my own for lunch most days or go to the salad bar so I can control what goes in my…
NEEDED: Intensive, comprehensive and ongoing efforts to address obesity
70 Million Obese Americans: What’s the Solution? Its a national issue that will have lasting repercussions if not seriously looked at and serious action taken. We are a nation of smart people from all over the globe – surely we can put our heads together and come up with a plan to address it. Yes…
Boot Camp: Inspiring, Supportive and Fun!
Another Forced Rest day. In some ways I feel more tired now that I am getting more sleep but I am enjoying the lack of rushing around in the AM. Not enjoying it enough to stop so no worries. It’s nice to take a short break – I am hoping it will reinvigorate me both…
Creating Healthier Families
I write a monthly article for my homeowner’s newsletter focused on Family, Fitness, and using Social Media to help families. Here is this month’s article: live fit and sore — The Villager – Aug 2010 page 16 Creating Healthier Families I recently read that only a third of all Americans now meet the government’s minimum…
Day 1 – Forced Rest
Dear Diary, Today was day 1 of my forced rest period. It may not seem like a big deal but knowing that I missed my boot camp was a mental challenge for me. It was great to sleep in an extra hour or 2. My body is still feeling fatigue so while I know I…
Overtraining Syndrome and Athletes
Overtraining Syndrome – Overtraining Syndrome and Athletes. I have decided to take a few days off completely this week and maybe the rest of the week to let my body recover. I have not felt right since before the race but post race and the strep bug – my body is wiped out. I did…