Overthinking the squat clean
I’m an overthinker when it comes to my squat cleans – are you? Thanks to Mel from Clothes Make the Girl for sharing this video. Fixing the Squat Clean from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.
Each day, start again
I should have listened to my inner voice this AM – I got up and headed to group training. I got through one round of the routine and I realized – I feel like shit and do not want to be there. So I left. I was not going to let myself be pressured by…
The Finish Line
RARE 5 Mile Trail Run – START from Adam Eidson on Vimeo.
Success any way you look at it today!
I think you will start to notice a theme in my posts this summer — I am not particularly at my best working in this heat and humidity. I just am not working at my peak level – and my sinus infection seems to be clearing out – which is not necessarily the greatest experience……
Results are in
68th out of 90 racers. I’m pretty happy with my standing – first trail race, heat, humidity, bee stings, asthma sinus infection — and still finished proudly. I would have been proud to just finish to be honest! http://www.rarecrossfit.com/fitness/the-rare-crossfit-5-mile-trail-run.html
Dr. Joseph Mercola: America’s Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change
Dr. Joseph Mercola: America’s Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change. Aspartame is the most controversial food additive in history, and its approval for use in food was the most contested in FDA history. In the end, the artificial sweetener was approved, not on scientific grounds, but rather because of strong political…
RareCrossfit 5 Mile Race
I am still fighting off this cold and combine that with how sore my body is from yesterday’s race = skipped my workout this AM. I was planning on going as usual but when the alarm went off, I moved a little bit and realized that sleep was what I needed. I am launching a…
Crossfit Trail Race – July 18
Here are my pals Cheryl and Lidia as we gear up for the xfit trail run that we did today. The info about the race said it was a 5 miler but those with garmins said it was more like 5.7 miles. I could tell while I was running it that it was more than…
10 nutrition powerhouses for kids
Get your kids addicted to these colorful, tasty, nutrient-packed superfoods, like blueberries, cocoa, cinnamon and more. It’s a fact of life: Chips, cupcakes, and lots of other not-so-nutritionally noble foods are going to find their way into your child’s mouth. Heck, if left to their own devices, a lot of kids wouldn’t eat anything that…