Inspirational Quotes
I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. ~Albert Einstein
Diet and the evolution of the brain: Fish and no chips
Diet and the evolution of the brain: Fish and no chips Sounds like this DHA is pretty important for brain growth and evolution. The lack of it in modern diets and the change in brain chemistry that the lack causes—may be why there has been a big increase explains the growth in recent times of…
And the workout for today is…
Another scorcher out there for the morning workout. There is nothing fun about working out when its this hot and humid outside..well maybe one thing: when it’s over! How about you? What are you doing today to align with your fitness goals? warmup x 2 side shuffle push-ups checkpoints skip jumps general stretching core x…
Coconut Water. Have you tried it?
Coconut Water. Have you tried it? There are a ton of benefits to Coconut Water. It is high in potassium, contains natural sugars and has a lot less sodium that sports drinks, It’s a natural way to hydrate instead of drinking sports drinks like Gatorade. It’s got a bit different texture and consistency than water…
Feelin Hot Hot Hot
It was a hot one today. Man oh man – when I started to lose focus on my workout, I was feeling my workout bottoms sticking to my legs. Yuck. But I did finish the workout in 30:19 which is :19 seconds longer than I should have which pissed me off a bit. I find…
Another weekend coming to a close
I honestly don’t know if it was the run yesterday that brought dehydration upon me or that I am still getting over being sick, but I felt that I could sleep in all day. And I was cranky as all get out. I managed to gather the kids and head to the community pool for…
Brother/Sister bonding
This is my brother Jon. We took this pic right before we went on our run this morning. How great is it that when my brothers come to visit me – we bond over exercise? We went on the trail and ran for a bit over an hour. This heat is rough on West coast…
Skinniest People Grocery Shop HERE
Grocery stores and percentage of obese shoppers: • Whole Foods Markets: 4 percent • Metropolitan Market: 8 percent • Puget Consumers Cooperative (PCC): 12 percent • Quality Food Centers (QFC): 17 percent • Fred Meyer: 22 percent • Safeway: 24 percent • Albertsons: 38 percent — From the Editors at Netscape The percentage of obese…
Hello! My name is Steffy and I used to be a Diet Cokaholic
Early Consumption Of Soda Indicator Of Unhealthy Diet. I drank soda. I more than drank soda – I lived and breathed soda all throughout my teens and twenties. It was only a year or so ago that i gave it up for good. I also didn’t drink milk very much. My family was never a…
Live Fit and Sore in print
I came home yesterday and went to bed. It was 6p. Got up around 9p. Went back to bed at 10p. I am not feeling good so I decided to skip my workout this morning to get some rest. Turns out 2 other boot campers that I am very close too also aren’t feeling so…