Friday Inspirations: Fitness, Fashion & Personality

Friday’s are my exercise rest day and in my blog I  focus on more fashion/health/beauty related topics to end the work week.

I was thinking about fashion and working out. I see so many people that go to the gym or workout and don’t seem to put any thought into their attire. Don’t get me wrong – the point that you are even exercising is duly noted!  My thoughts are though – why not make it fun and show your personality while you are sweating and pushing your limits. Here are some trends I have noticed recently:

Cool Old Skool Shirts

People who saw this picture recently seemed to find joy and humor in it – how fun to wear a RUN DMC old skool shirt while working your ass off?  I got this shirt at Old Navy!  My friend – Kimmie -loves this shirt so much. The day I came in with my Star Wars hat and Run DMC shirt almost threw her over the edge. I was a walking billboard for pop culture.

Running skirts – High Performance running and fitness skirts, skorts and tops. High quality skirts and skorts designed by runners….made to go the distance.

I have 2 of these skirts that I ordered at the end of the fall season on sale. I am very excited to give them a try when the warmer weather hits.  I know a few of my friends really like wearing them and don’t wait for warmer weather. Me, I like being warm heading into the gym as well as when I am working out.


I constantly have problems with headbands falling off or slipping when I workout. It drives me crazy.  Currently I wear the Goody Stay Put bands pictured here. But they slip even though they are called stay put.

So I was doing some research and came across these Bondi Bands. I am waiting for my order currently so I can see if they really are all that. I have high hopes for it and each year they  donate 10% of their pretax profits to charity. So – how could I not like that?

Bondi Bands are composed of a unique blend of nylon, lycra, and spandex. The result is a stretchy yet form fitting band that holds up under the toughest hair styles and types.

I will be sure to let you guys know what I think.  I ordered the one pictured to the left, one that says Heart your Core, and No Pain, No Gain.  I used the discount code – 2010 for a 20% off discount.  Let me know what headband type you use…

Funky & Fun Socks

Now I personally don’t wear fun socks while i workout -standard Adidas fare for me. But I have seen a lot of ladies don fun knee high socks when they are working on their fitness. Mel over at The Clothes Make the Girl wrote a post about this a while back. She said knee high socks are one of her favorite things. She recommends this site –

I am not sure I am bold and daring enough to wear knee highs working out, but man I smile when I see pics of those that are.  Look at how badass these Bad Ass socks are!  Maybe I can convince the bootcamp ladies to wear these when we do Run Amuck in August!

So those are a few of the trends I have noticed in my fitness journey recently – what have you noticed?

One response to “Friday Inspirations: Fitness, Fashion & Personality”

  1. Thanks for the sock-y shout-out! Great minds think alike… I just wrote a post about the opposite end of the spectrum: the less-than-fabulous-looking outfits we’re wearing for the Bataan Memorial Death March. It’s breaking my heart to choose comfort over glamour 😉