Raising money for the Wounded Warrior Project
I had already decided that today was going to be a forced Rest Day – even though a part of me totally wanted to challenge myself with the workout today. But I got home late and had a great night last night — headed to Jimmy’s in Herndon to guest bartend and hang out with…
Paleo Eating
Potatoes bad, nuts good for staying slim, Harvard study finds Yeah, there is something to that Paleo eating after-all. Everyone knows that people who chow down on french fries, chug soda and go heavy on red meat tend to pile on more pounds than those who stick to salads, fruits and grains. But is a…
Hug someone today
thought that this was worth re-posting: Since we found out that my dad was sick with cancer this past year, I won’t leave the house without hugging and kissing my parents. I have come to realize that every minute I have with them is a gift from God. Every hug, every word, every kiss—all gifts…
CrossFit and Community
We met Kelly again today at CrossFit. She is one of those mean ladies that are considered benchmarks. I woke up with a sore throat and tired and should have listened to my body more but I love the challenge of doing these benchmarks — so I went. It was tougher than I expected. I…
Summer Workout and the livin is easy
I had such a good day yesterday starting with that great WOD where I kicked butt! My abs are sore and I have a lower back sore from all those sit ups but those I can live with! Yesterday was Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year and the first day of Summer. Hard…
Agility Workout at CrossFit
I feel good today. I am finally recovered from the hard workouts last week and the falling off the wagon weekend — and last week I went to see my doctor and he took some blood. He called and said that my bloodwork was great and my cholesterol was ‘excellent’. That is Paleo and CrossFit at work…
Gluten is tied to early menopause
Gluten allergy linked to earlier menopause NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Women with untreated celiac disease may hit menopause earlier, and have a higher risk of some pregnancy complications, than women without the disease, suggests a small study. However, if women with celiac disease are diagnosed early, and follow a strict diet as treatment, the…
Squat Cleans
Since we had family in town this weekend, we officially moved Father’s Day to next Sunday in our house. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do — It was so fun to have my big brother here for the weekend. I love seeing my kids around their family since we don’t live…