Meet the Parallettes
Today’s WOD was a bit different than anything I have done — Crossfit Impavidus incorporates gymnastics into their WODs which I personally think is awesome! Today I was introduced to the parallettes. My shoulders and arms are already hurting and its less than hour since we used them! Warmup 2x 20 air squats 20 Jumping…
You Might Be Paleo
You Might Be Paleo. This is just a taste of some of the tell tale signs you are ‘Paleo’ — Your friends admire your healthy glow. You have a blog devoted to bacon.Your mother thinks you’re too skinny. You think Mother Nature is one cool lady. You know what “biphasic” means. There’s not a single…
Not all sources of protein are created equal
In the most recent issue of Women’s Health magazine they had a short blurb about sources of protein and if they are all created equal –The answer was No. Up until recently, I never really thought about this. I always figured, protein is protein. But after looking into it and talking with others — you…
WOD + Challenge
Today’s WOD at Crossfit Impavidus was all about kettle bells and box jumps! I am feeling yesterday’s WOD of Burpees and Dead lifts. I unwrapped my Foam Roller and used it to work out the muscles in my abductors/inductor area. It’s like getting a painful massage — not sure where the joy is in that…
Using a Foam Roller
I bought a Foam Roller a while ago and it has sat in my hallway unused. A foam roller is good for releasing connective tissue tension around the hips and thighs. One of the trainers at Crossfit Impavidus was telling me how he uses it and how it really helps him open his hips. I…
Woke up this AM to a nice thick layer of ice on the cars. My car is in the garage but my brother is in town for business, so his rental was behind mine and poor Scotty –he and I scraped the ice off the rental so that i could back out. As I have…
Champion of Health and Fitness
Superintendent ‘fits in’ at Norris. We have to inspire and educate kids in being fit and healthy. The more schools that place value and encourage it — the better off we all are! I have given a online speaker session about ‘Creating Fit Families’ on behalf of K12 this past Fall: http://bit.ly/gKdYm7 Jumpin’, dancin’ and…
New Beginnings —
Great workout at Crossfit Impavidus this morning. Going to a new box is like getting used to a new boyfriend. They don’t know much about you yet, they think they like you, you have stuff in common but it’s still not super comfortable. I am sure it will be pretty soon. It’s a good group…