What are you?
I read this post this morning: Experimenting with Scale Purgatory about taking a break from the scale. Isn’t it funny the relationship some of us have with the scale? It’s crazy if you think about it — it’s not rational. It’s a number that has so much power over us. And what I find so interesting…
Obesity Costs Women More Directly & Indirectly
I’m including this article today because I think it speaks volumes of the hard costs of being overweight for women. Some of it has to do with women earning more in general and includes a look at direct and indirect costs. I also think that crap food is cheaper – relating back to economic status…
Trail Run tracked by mapmyrun.com
During my presentation to parents this week — Creating Fit Families — my friend Heidi said something that really stuck with me — she said ‘we as parents, cant afford to wait around until someone else gives us an opportunity to get our kids out there and active’. It’s up to us to do it!…
An all Kinds of Awesome Workout
Friday means the weekend is almost here!! And I am so glad to see it — long week, lots of work to do, lots of home stuff going on. I know I have said this before, but in a lot of ways I am so happy I do workout. I can not imagine what I…
Award Your Own Genius Grants – Harvard Business Review
via Award Your Own Genius Grants – Julia Kirby – Our Editors – Harvard Business Review. Love this idea. Especially creative departments and industries that really require innovation and forward thinking….need to incorporate time for their employees to be infused and ignited. They produce better ideas and can feel free to innovate. So many companies…
Another Rainy Day Workout
I love rain and all — but this is ridiculous! Although for boot camp — I am happy it was pouring. We can’t workout in the pouring rain because Mikey doesn’t want his equipment wet, oh and for our safety. We can workout in a slight drizzle, mist and light rain but pouring is out…
Fit Families
I gave a presentation today called ‘Creating Fit Families’ to help inspire and support parents as they do the same for their own families. Someone asked me what are some exercises/fitness activities you can do if you don’t have a lot of money or you can’t really leave your house. Well — many of the…
Thanks, Tim Gunn
This is a quote from Tim Gunn, of Project Runway Fame — And it rings true in my experience and I find that i need reminding of this from time to time — so thanks Tim! Take the high road. You will never regret it. No matter how much anger and strife you feel you’re…
Rainy workout
Another rainy morning and I thought for sure we would be inside for today’s workout. It was pouring on and off — but oh no — As Nate has said before – ‘rain can’t stop the Hoaglunds’! So we did some modifications to the workout to accommodate – swapped in tabatas and push ups instead…