No More Gym? Don’t Worry, Your Muscles Remember
The study challenges the idea that muscles go back to their starting condition when you stop strength training. “Our findings suggest that there are permanent structural changes in the muscle,” says Gundersen. “We don’t know if they’re really permanent, but they’re very long-lasting in animals, at least.” The researchers put mice through strength training on…
Exercise with an injured foot
Mikey switched it up today and had us do Tuesday’s workout on a Monday. Imagine the horror!! He said he was trying to shake our bodies up –but between us, I think he forgot what day it was and set up for the Tuesday workout. We will never know! The pic to the left is…
Hot and Muggy DC Area
Hannah didn’t get her first tooth until after her 1st birthday so we fully expected the lateness of her losing her teeth. She has lost 2 so far, she’s 8 until today. Today she lost a front tooth! A Momentous Occasion here at our House! Looks like the tooth fairy will be visiting our house…
Saturday Run on the trail
My big sis Deb was out here visiting for the week. It’s been such a great week too. She got to spend one on one time with HB and my mom came down too. Although the heat got to her, she did manage to go out and see some sites too. It’s hard to live…
Surviving the Cut : Discovery Channel
Surviving the Cut : Discovery Channel. I just discovered this series and I am hooked. Seeing these soldiers push themselves to the brink and being able to be that tough mentally and physically is amazing. And to think I stop after 30 secs of Abdominal work — I feel like a whimp! Check out this…
Tips to Feed Your Family Healthfully and Happily: A Flat Belly Diet Cook Review
Tips to Feed Your Family Healthfully and Happily: A Flat Belly Diet Cook Review | fitbottomedgirls.com. Some good ideas and recipes found in this article — All of us parents need recipes for dinner and meals to get us out of the rut –And why not make a back to school effort to make healthy…
Loudoun Interfaith Relief Food Pantry Items being collected in Ashburn
Part of living a healthy and fit life is doing things for others — giving back. Here’s an easy way to help that I found out about via LivinginLoco The Ashburn Library in Ashburn VA is currently taking donations of cereal, juice, canned meat, and canned fruits for the Loudoun Interfaith Relief Food Pantry until…
Finding the Motivation to workout
What started off as a ‘chilly’ morning quickly turned into a hot and sweaty workout experience. Any drop in temperature is out done by the sweat we work up while working out. I’m going to be honest — I almost talked myself out of getting up out of bed this AM. I am sad and…
Goodbye Jedi
I just said goodbye to my cat of 15 years – Jedi. He started getting sick about a week ago — but nothing specific but by yesterday he wasn’t eating or drinking. Scott took him to the vet and he was having massive kidney failure and said that there was not much more we could…
Rainy day workout
Warmup 2min of jump rope Core x2 general stretching rocky tiers V-ups on the BOSU 6inches with BOSU on your legs (this one is hard!) 30 push-ups (tennis ball placed on the floor and each time your chest needs to touch the ball) Workout x2 OH Squats 75lb Roman Deadlifts 135lbs Toe to Bar powerclean…