News to Note
A few items to share: Today’s PSA: Exercise with caution in today’s inferno It’s been so darn hot the past week or so in the DC area and East Coast. Make sure you are paying attention to tips and advice about exercising in this sort of heat. It tends to sneak up on you and…
Being kind to yourself
A week off is great in so many ways for me. Although I can totally see how it’s easy to slide back into old routines with sleeping because I so didn’t want to get up this AM. I got up an hour later than normal and at first – talked myself out of doing any…
The Clothes Make the Girl: Groceries vs. Dining Out
The Clothes Make the Girl: Groceries vs. Dining Out. My family eats out more than I would care to admit. Busy lives, easy convenient restaurants = eating out. I do have to say that for the most part – it is not McD’s but as we all know – unless we prepare it at home…
Join us July 11th for an event that will transform the lives of 20 young girls. Programming? For girls? ….YES! Programming has evolved and now more than ever girls have the opportunity in a world they’ve only known through technology to shape and mould the future of our society. So many young women have already…
A Buy Week
This is actually an off week from boot camp. I took Sunday and Monday off from working out. My body has not really been given a proper rest in my opinion so taking a few days off from dedicated exercising did me good. I am going to do more running/cardio this week than weight training…
4th of July Party!
Been away the last day – Scott and I went over to the Gaylord National Convention center at the National Harbor to enjoy some 4th of July fun. We got a great rate via Groupon and booked an executive suite. The hotel is huge and the 4th of July event was fun although not necessarily…
Incredible DC weather
I woke up to incredible weather. Low 60’s, breezy – so I went for a 3 mile run on the trail. It really is a great way to start a day – you get some exercise and get to clear out some of the noise that is in your head. My mom is here visiting…
Long weekend here I come
The weeks seem to be be getting tougher for me as the summer moves by – which is not ideal. I need to figure out a way to recharge my battery – exercising works to a point of course but to completely unplug from our current hectic lives and restore the balance in my head.…