Student Travel Rates are Available to Non Students
Student travel agencies are beginning to actively court nonstudents and older travelers, extending their low prices to the not-so-youthful set. Though it has quietly offered discounts to nonstudents for years, STA Travel began actively promoting “flights for everyone” on its home page late last year, highlighting sales and negotiated discounts available to travelers of any…
Notable News
In the end, it is all about our behavior and the choices we make. When we are armed with the right information, we can make powerful changes in our biology. We don’t have to be slaves to it. For food, so much of the issue is about quality, not quantity. Most people don’t appreciate the…
You Can too.
As I mentioned earlier, we ran into Michael, founder of Plumbline Training at the Brambleton Race this past Saturday. He ran with his family in tow. He also took a great shot of the Plumbline Ladies after the race. This picture represents some of the greatest ladies I have met through my bootcamp and we…
After 2 gorgeous, perfect weather days – I woke up to rain. It’s a nice change of pace and it’s definitely a sign of spring. I heard the weather man say possibility of Thunder Storms — Spring is here! While out shopping yesterday, I bought myself some flowers. I think having fresh flowers in your…
Race Results are In
Here are the official race results from yesterday’s race. For the record – I do not like non electronic race results because they are not accurate. Not everyone starts at the same time and then when you are in the line to hand in your race # ticket, people tend to cut in front of…
Happy Spring to one and all!
Another great day in Northern Virginia. I went for a run to start my day. My friends have been telling me not to run the Wo&D trail alone. It has never really occurred to me to be cautious of running this alone. I always see people on it and I basically stay in the area…
Notable News
Healthy Eating Tips – Cheap Organic Food – thedailygreen.com. PepsiCo yanking sugar from schools worldwide – Crain’s New York Business.
Twilight: New Moon
Yes, I am one of those people who fell for the story of Twilight and read through all the books within days. I am not sure what it is about the story that captured me so deeply, but it did – I am not embarrassed. my family just deals with it by humoring my crush…
Spring is in the Air
What a great day for a run and to race for the ribbon – raising money for breast cancer research! This race was not the biggest race but it felt like the right amount of people. My first race of the season – a 5k – and I finished 26:58 which may even been earlier…