My Recipes: Bob’s Green Drink
My Recipes: Bob’s Green Drink | Bob Harper from The Biggest Loser. Hey everyone here is a recipe for my HEALTHY green drink, which can be used as a meal replacement! It is a BIG drink and could be considered 2 servings. Women who are watching their calories can cut the supplements in half, which…
Rainy Day Workout at Plumbline Training
Dark rainy morning and yes boot camp was outside — there is something oddly great about being out there that early in the AM and working your ass off in rain. It’s bad ass! We are not frilly girlie girls — we are strong, tough ladies who look like girlie girls in our real lives!…
10 Ways to Save Money on Food Shopping
10 Ways to Save Money on Food Shopping. You can definitely eat healthy and not spend a fortune. Cheap processed food is everywhere which makes it hard to avoid. In my opinion, it is also the root of many of the health and obesity problems today. I have previously highlighted some ways to eat healthy…
Start the week workout with 200m OH run – is it fun?
Happy Monday right? As long as I have been getting up at o’dark thirty, you would think it would be easier but it isn’t. I still wake up on Mondays with the ‘it can’t be 5a yet feeling‘. I get up anyway because I know I will feel great once I am there and then-…
Play harder: can Children’s researchers quantify fun?
It’s Sunday – which means rest day and get the house ready for back to school Monday. I felt like baking this morning, so zucchini bread is in the oven baking. I made it with whole wheat flour this time, so it will be interesting to see if my family notices. I will share the…
Bullying Stops With Parents
Bullying Stops With Parents Having been a victim of some serious bullying growing up — I am ultra sensitive to it and work very hard to instill in both my kids how important it is to reach out to kids that are new or different. When I was younger –the schools did close to nothing…
A slow day here in Northern Virginia. I woke up and headed to Kimmy’s house for a run. We did about 4 miles today. The air was cold and crisp and it made it tough on my asthma. After we finished the run we headed over to meet our friend Melissa’s new Puppy – Laney!…
Pre-weekend HIIT workout
I thought my bicep muscle pull was feeling a bit better until I did my usual push-ups and then did a 90lb push press to start off my day. Michael – my trainer – let me go down in weight for the push press to 75lbs during the 2nd round. I am going to ice…
Morning Workout
We finished today’s workout before the rain rolled in which is always a bonus! I think switching my rest day has helped me overall. Being able to get a few extra Zzzs mid week is not something I take for granted. I think I have a slight muscle pull in my left bicep which is…
In-Your-Face Fitness: Rethinking the protein powder program
In-Your-Face Fitness: Rethinking the protein powder program I use a protein powder in my morning milk that I drink before I head off for my workout. I use a low calorie, non fat milk and mix a 1/4 scoop of chocolate protein powder in it. Seems to give me just the boost I need for…