You may have noticed that I recently changed my newly created web blog to livefitandsore.com as opposed to livestrongandsore.com. I strongly believe in the mission of livestrong.com and try to incorporate it into my every day life but also didn’t want to infringe on their well known organization. So – I have changed mine to:…
Take a moment to vote for Zach Bonner!
Who Inspired You Most This Year? – Most Inspiring Nominees of 2009 – Beliefnet.com. Vote for Zach Bonner please – he’s an amazing kid who started his own Red Wagon Foundation to help homeless people. He also attends an K12 school in Florida. He inspires me!
News to Note
Survivor’s Ethan Zohn Gets Good News in His Cancer Battle – Health, Ethan Zohn : People.com. So many younger people are being diagnosed with cancer. I’ve been following Ethan since it was announced he had cancer. Glad to hear he’s hearing good news. When A Plateau Is More Than Just A Topographical Feature → Cranky…
A great deal at Aol.
Hey AOL! – Get 50% off select toys at Target today For those that may have some toy shopping to do for the holidays: Click on the link above …to get the deal. It’s to celebrate it’s spin off today..lots of good toy deals to be seen. 🙂 At checkout you will see you have…
Today’s workout…
This was the last day of the 4 week camp. It’s amazing to see how far the group comes from week 1 to week 4. Things that seemed so friggin hard that first week, really come together this last week. Don’t get me wrong – 65lb split jerks are still hard, but not AS hard…
The future of finding a cure?
This article was in last Sunday’s Washington Post and was written by our very own Oncologist, Dr John Marshall: Please take some time to read it: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/25/AR2009112503408.html Cancer medicine is often regarded as an area of significant progress and clinical research, so we should be able to tell without much difficulty what kinds of treatment…
News to Note
WHO: Smoking kills 5 million every year – USATODAY.com. This is not news to anyone is it? Flying The Friendly Skies On Hello Kitty Air – Hello Kitty – Jezebel. How cute is this? Would you want to fly on Hello Kitty Air? Soy Appears Safe for Breast Cancer Survivors. So many mixed thoughts/reports on…
Lookin at the Prize…
So surprise to me was that I was down another lb this week. I am 2 weeks into dropping my 6th day of workout and have started to eat more in a maintenance mode. I am not sure if its a fluke or my body was not really happy with me for overdoing it…I am…
My work out was…What was yours?
So a new group training 4 week session started today and MT mixed it up a bit: Warmup was on the BOSU. One of the camp ladies – Kimmy S (aka Sizzler)- would love it. We call her the BOSU Master! I really enjoyed this new warm-up – it was fun and very challenging. We…
News to Note
Chocolate Milk: The New Sports Drink? – CBS News. I have always read that chocolate milk is good for a low cal chocolate fix. Now more compelling reasons to drink it. SuburbanFizz: Of Todd and Tiger. I love how Erin summarizes this whole Tiger scandal. What a funny and relate able perspective. How Much Does…