Sotts Press in a workout makes for a tough workout
Another good, tough, solid workout and although I didn’t finish it in the 30min time limit — i’m ok with it. I got to the 3 rep round before time ran out! warmup side shuffle push-ups check points skip jumps corex2 partner dynamax ball drills (you bounce the ball on your partner’s stomach while they…
Fall morning workout
I woke up to a lot of fog. It was so foggy that I couldn’t figure out where to turn — so it was good someone turned into the right street so I had someone to follow. It usually takes me about 15 mins to drive to camp in the morning if I don’t hit…
It’s a mental game
Yesterday I went for a run when I woke up. The weather was yet again perfect running weather so of course I had to make the best of it! I ran about 5 miles again – but honestly, it was a struggle. With the cooler air, I have more issues with my asthma. The cold…
The Twin Towers in Pictures
Reflecting on the twin towers. Pictures taken by readers before the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 http://nyti.ms/a4eKEZ
Remembering 9/11
Keep the Memories of those lost alive & Make sure none of us ever forgets National September 11 Memorial Here is a blog post I wrote last year: Indescribable The National September 11 Memorial & Museum and Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Plant First Trees on the Memorial Plaza at the World…
Welcome to the Gun Show, Boys!
I was shopping recently and came across a t-shirt in the men’s dept that was a stick figure with muscles that said welcome the gun show and I wanted to get one for my friend – Ms Connie B. She has the most amazing arms and has worked hard for them. Well they didn’t have…
Cooler Temp Make for an Easier Workout
Thought I would share some of the pics we took on our weekend trip to NJ/NYC. This is a pic of me and kids with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background when we stopped at the South Street Seaport. Warmup high knees forward walking lunges heel to butt sprint corex 2 knee roll ups crunches…